Saturday 8 October 2016

RESEARCH-Skyfall opening sequence

One of the joys of "Skyfall" is its darkly psychedelic opening credit sequence, which combines to great effect Adele's soaring song with the iconic Bond graphics overlaid on the  sinking figure. We're basically watching Bond's fall into death as images pass before his eyes. The soundtrack shows the audience the dark & powerlessness of the scene. The scene has many guns, enemies, blood and daggers, in an underwater setting with dense shadowing. This gives the audience a sense of danger,thrill and mystery. I love the way the weapons are manipulated into other objects makes it more interesting. Moreover, towards the end the scene has many blood and death, it uses black and red which has connotations of action and death. Moreover, the over shoulder shot of the woman's head turned along with the shadowed dark lighting. Also, the camera appears to be tracking Bond throughout the title sequence, like were following him on his journey. Finally, the titles are then kept within the same font and colour of white and fit around the composition of the shot as each location changes. The text is small so we can see the action going around him.


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