Friday 14 October 2016

RESEARCH-Importance of Sound

This video was perfect for those that need help understanding the term 'sound'. This is because i knew what sound was but i didn't know how important it was for making films. Thanks to this video i now know how vital sound/ diegetic/ non-diegetic sound is, I'm going to tell you lot how important it is. I watched 3 clips in this 7 minute video and the first clip had sound effect with dialogue but literally no impact, for example; when we was flying in to the fight scene there was no music which made it useless. Also, when Darth Vader entered the scene there was no music so it literally made it dull, even do it looked good because he kicked the door with sound added but wasn't the best.

The second clip i watched was alright because it had music but it didn't have sound so it leads to the same thing. However, it was decent because you can understand whats going to happen next in the video due to the specific music they used. I have definitely noticed that the images and music are synchronised together because, for example; when Darth Vader came in they added a specific music to show that a guy like him entered the scene.

This third clip i watched was the best out of all three clips i watched because of one simple reason; it involved both, ' music ' and ' sound '. This then makes the best out of a film because what else do you need? other than sound and music. Yet again i'm going to be using the Darth Vader example because i think its the best. In this case, music and sound added made it much better because it built tension, even before he came i could hear the footsteps of him coming before kicking the door. In addition, when he kicked the door music and sound made it look so real, for a second i thought i was the one recording. This shows me that the one layer of sound i watched earlier was boring compared to this one.

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